• Офіційний хронометрист
  • Генеральні медіа партнери
  • Партнери
  • Партнер дистанції 21 км
  • Благодійний партнер
  • Генеральний партнер
  • Спортивний партнер
  • Організатор
  • Офіційний партнер
  • Під патронатом


1000 м


призова сітка

Ліміт часу


Регламент заходу


Про дистанцію


Children’s races are a great opportunity to involve children in sports, win the first victory and receive a well-deserved medal at the finish line. In addition, this is an additional opportunity for parents and children to spend time together and join an important social initiative, because the 7th Lviv Unbroken  Half Marathon  will have a charitable component. 50% of the amount of initial registration fees for the online distance with an iron medal, as well as 100% of the amount of registration fees for the online distance with an electronic medal will be transferred to the National Rehabilitation Center “Unbroken”, which deals with prosthetics, treatment and rehabilitation of Ukrainians.

Children’s races include the following distances, depending on the age category:

300 m – for children aged 1 to 6 years* (the youngest children cover the distance together with their parents);
500 m – for children aged 7 to 8 years;
1000 m – for teenagers from 9 to 12 years old.
*Age of participants is determined as of December 31 of the current year.

The starting fee includes:

  • starting number of the participant;
  • finisher’s medal (the medal is issued in case of overcoming the entire distance within the time limit);
  • access to changing rooms and hiding rooms;
  • route map;
  • paver package (water).

Стартовий внесок включає

  • стартовий номер учасника;
  • електронний чіп для реєстрації результату;
  • медаль фінішера;